Professional Learning 





Child Australia is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving developmental outcomes for children through education, early childhood services, family support and advocacy. The Online Learning Centre provides a range of quality professional development courses that build knowledge and expertise in your professional context. View the calendar here



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Early Childhood Training and Resource Centre - An ECTARC Training Officer conducts 

online webinar workshops. You will view the presentation and listen to the workshop delivered live. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and listen to the answers given by the ECTARC Training Officer or other participant's feedback.


Check out the website to see the training calendar 






The ECA Learning Hub is your gateway to professional knowledge and networks. It is a web-based  platform offering professional learning resources for early  childhood educators and other professionals working with young children. It includes quality-assured video and written resources, webinars and online forums. 




Semann and Slattery

Courses provided by Semann & Slattery are innovative, practical and motivating. All of our facilitators inject innovation into their presentation and encourage participants to think outside the square. Our presentations are built on the foundations of a solid evidence base which we effectively translate into practical terms so that our participants understand their application into the contemporary work place. View the website for more details and professional learning opportunities. 


