Meetings occur at 3.30pm in week 4 and week 8 of the school term. We alternate meeting venues between Darwin and Palmerston/Rural areas. Members can volunteer to host the meeting in their Preschool setting. This provides an opportunity for other educators to view a variety of early learning environments. We are particularly interested in inviting educators from a range of early years services so that we can share best practice across the sectors.
People enjoy visiting various early childhood settings, please let us know if you'd like to host a meeting.
Dates for 2024: Term 1: Week 4 Wednesday 21/2 Darwin
Week 8 Thursday 21/3 Palmerston
Term 2: Week 4 Wednesday 8/5 Darwin AGM
Week 8 Thursday 6/6 Palmerston
Term 3: Week 4 Wednesday 7/8 Palmerston - Child and Family Centre, Farrar
Week 8 Thursday 5/9 Darwin - Nakara Preschool
Term 4: Week 4 Wednesday 30/10 Palmerston
Week 8 Thursday 28/11 Darwin